Static Code Analysis

Static Code Analysis

Static Code Analysis

Analyze and auto-fix code quality issues in 30+ languages with every change

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Multi-Language Support

Supports over 30 programming languages and frameworks

Auto-Fix Suggestions

Provides one-click auto-fix suggestions for detected issues

Security Compliance

Provides compliance checks like SOC2, ISO 27001, HIPAA, and GDPR out of the box

Reduce Tech-Debt

Focuses on minimizing technical debt across the codebase

Comprehensive Quality Checks

Over 30,000+ quality checks offer accurate, high-impact detection




Flexible Deployment Option

Flexible Deployment Option

Pull Request Integration

Pull Request Integration

Integrated Development Environments

Integrated Development Environments

Code Repositories

Code Repositories

Issue Tracker

Issue Tracker

Notification and Support

Notification and Support

Customer Story

Customer Story

Customer Story